Active Projects
- YASQL, yet another SQL language, interpreter of a subset of the SQL language and also a DBMS underneath. Pretty much cloning sqlite using Rust
- Expense Classifier, text classifier for monthly expenses using MLP and nltk packages
- SMB File System, upload-download file system model built on top of FUSE. Part of my current distributed systems coursework
Completed Projects
- AWS Email Pipeline, a pipeline to extract, transform, and load emails containing bank statements from AWS SES into a DynamoDB database using Lambda functions
- Binary Image Classifier, classification model based on EfficientNetB3 to classify images into two distinct groups during week-long hackathon event, CxC Summit 2022 hosted by UW DSC. First place winner in the hackathon
- WLP4 Compiler, compiler for WLP4, a subset of the C++ language, that produces equivalent ARM code
- Maze Solver, web application where users can create mazes using Pixi.js and implemented an algorithm to find the shortest path to solve the maze. Built using Express.js and MySQL
- FindMyRecipe, web application to provide recipe recommendation based on user’s ingredients. Built using Svelte, Golang and PostgreSQL with data scraped from
- Biquadris, a Latinization of the game Tetris, using C++ with a graphical interface for users built using the X11 library
- TraceNext, a contact-tracing web application that allows users to add previously visited locations using Google Maps API and alert users if there has been contact with Covid patients. Built using Flask and Heroku Postgres Database